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Project bureau "Interstal"

+38 050 183 79 17

Design of steel structures, steel detailing, structural survey of building and structures


Our pride - our projects!

Проектирование заводов, площадок

Bioethanol plant in Zolotonosha

Расчет градирен

Water-cooling tower of Kharkiv Combined Heat and Power Plant

Проектирование стальных ферм

Ceramic tile plant ATEM in Kiev

Завод Oberbeton. г.Житомир

Concrete product plant of “Oberbeton Ukraine” in Zhytomyr

Спорткомлекс в с.Горбаневка

Sportcomplex “Rozsoshentsy”, Poltava

Проектирование ТРК

Shopping center “Galaktika” in Kremenchug

Обследование здания

Structural survey of PJSC "Sumy Frunze Machine-Building Science and Production Association"

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